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Mapa interactivo

jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

Hoy jueves 16 de junio de 2016, hangout en vivo con la prof. Dr. Nele Matz Lück de la Universidad de Kiel, Alemania a las 18:00 UTC 15:00 Buenos Aires / /14:00 Caracas-Santiago /13:00 Bogotá-Panamá-México
sobre la gobernanza de los océanos.

La Dr. Nele Matz Lück es experta en la convención de la Ley del Mar y en Leyes Internacionales del Ambiente

Ocean governance is the focus of a live Q&A session in a Google Hangout tomorrow (Thursday 16th June) with Prof. Nele Matz-Lück, an expert on the Convention on the Law of the Sea and international environmental law.

Bring your questions and join us here for the Hangout: https://plus.google.com/events/cpeak5bfmggoq19auagp9jcp9bg?authkey=CLeruqrdr-D3Iw

Please note: this event is now at 18:00h UTC, one hour earlier than previously announced. We apologies for any confusion but hope you can still attend.
More detailed instructions on how to join a Hangout and the planned future Hangout schedule are available in the Google Hangouts tab in the course portal. If you can’t join live, then this video will be available for you to watch in the Hangout Archive around 24 hours after the event.
We look forward to having you join us for the Hangout tomorrow!
Best regards,
The OceanMOOC Team

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